Sunday 15 June 2014

Finding Happiness in the little things for 100 days

Over the last 100 days I have been participating in the 100 Happy Days Challenge. To be honest when I first began this challenge, I never thought in a million years that I would be able to stick to something for 100 days but I am proud to say I officially completed this challenge. For 100 days I would post a picture on Instagram of something that made me happy (no matter how big or small). Although I did have some off days now and then, the truth is that this challenge has greatly changed my life. It allowed me to consciously acknowledge all the little things in my life that made me happy. This challenge gave me the gift of sight, it allowed me to see the good even on the darkest days. 

Challenge 46= Completed  

Friday 16 May 2014

A Cool Little Road Trip

Last weekend, my lovely friend and I went on a random little road trip to Jasper. Our road trip was barely 24hours but we made the best of our little vacation. I am glad to say that challenge numero dos is now complete. 

Here are some pictures of our little adventure. 

Driving into Jasper National Park

My lovely friend
The New Glacier Skywalk
Stuck in the snow
We got to see so much wildlife

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Numero 85

I am incredibly happy to inform all of you that last weekend  I completed a three day juice detox. During those three days, I drank a total of 18 juices ( 6 different juices per day). Overall, the experience was incredibly interesting and I will likely do more juice cleanses in the future. My friend and I prepped all the juices on the Friday night which was  such a blast.  The first day was the hardest of the three days because I was  ridiculously hungry, but on day 2 and 3 I allowed myself to eat two eggs in the morning which helped with the hunger. Even though this was one of the hardest challenges thus far, I truly loved the experience and will gladly do it again. 

All of our fruits and veggies!
The blending of the Green Juice

Getting the Beet Juice ready
Carrots for days... 

All of the Green Juice prepped for the three days.

5 out of 6 types of juice

Green Juice
Pineapple Juice

Red Juice
Cashew Milk

The last Green Juice... Thank goodness!

The final juice... yummy cashews 

 Challenge 85 = Completed

Monday 31 March 2014

Tea Challenge Complete

I am very pleased to inform everyone that I have now completed my 30 day tea challenge. For the last 30 days, I have only had tea, water and milk to drink (although admittedly, I did have a few glasses of juice and also one virgin caesar... hehe). I am soooo excited to drink coffee tomorrow!

Its official, challenge 69 is complete!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Tea Challenge

Although I must admit I haven't completed any new tasks on my 101 list, I am very proud to inform everyone that I am now on Day 18 of the 30 day tea challenge. 

In order to complete this challenge, I must only drink tea, water or milk (in other words no coffee, pop, juice or alcohol for me for 30 days). Admittedly, this challenge has been especially difficult because I am an avid coffee drinker (and I also enjoy a glass of white wine now and then) but so far tea has been a wonderful replacement. 

My breakfast this morning :) Green tea and grapefruit 


Saturday 15 March 2014

A Picnic by the River

Today I was able to accomplish #24 of my Day Zero project. It was almost plus ten outside (which is a big deal for us), so my best friend and I went and had an afternoon picnic by the river. Sadly though, it was rather windy so we only lasted 40 minutes but overall, it was a cool way to spend our Saturday afternoon. 

My beautiful friend :)
It was way too cold to stay long hehe

Friday 14 March 2014

5 out of 101

Today I went and spoke to a personal counsellor for the very first time at my school. I had always considered going in the past, but I never had the courage to go. The women I spoke with was incredibly kind and sweet, and I would encourage anyone who thinks they might benefit from going to talk to someone to do so because I found it to be quite comforting. 

Challenge 82 = Completed