Tuesday 15 April 2014

Numero 85

I am incredibly happy to inform all of you that last weekend  I completed a three day juice detox. During those three days, I drank a total of 18 juices ( 6 different juices per day). Overall, the experience was incredibly interesting and I will likely do more juice cleanses in the future. My friend and I prepped all the juices on the Friday night which was  such a blast.  The first day was the hardest of the three days because I was  ridiculously hungry, but on day 2 and 3 I allowed myself to eat two eggs in the morning which helped with the hunger. Even though this was one of the hardest challenges thus far, I truly loved the experience and will gladly do it again. 

All of our fruits and veggies!
The blending of the Green Juice

Getting the Beet Juice ready
Carrots for days... 

All of the Green Juice prepped for the three days.

5 out of 6 types of juice

Green Juice
Pineapple Juice

Red Juice
Cashew Milk

The last Green Juice... Thank goodness!

The final juice... yummy cashews 

 Challenge 85 = Completed