Wednesday 12 March 2014

My 101 List

Here goes nothing :) 

As promised, here is the list of my 101 challenges that I will be completing in 1001 days.

Start Date : March 7th, 2014
End Date : December 3rd, 2016 (if we calculated correctly hehe)

101 Things in 1001 Days

-I have split up my list into different categories.

-It's important to note that for every challenge completed I will put away 10 dollars into savings and for every challenge not completed ill donate 5 dollars to charity.

1) Travel to Europe 
2) Go on a spontaneous road trip* Completed May 9th, 2014 (Road Trip to Jasper)  
3)Visit a new city in the United States 
4) Ride the subway in New York City 
5) Visit a castle 
6) Eat spaghetti in Italy 
7) Travel to a country where I don't know the native language 
8) Travel by myself (to another country)
9) Ride in a cable car in San Francisco 
10) Take a trip without checking in any bags (I can have a small carry on)
11) Go on a weekend road trip by myself 
12) Stay at a Bed and Breakfast 
13) Go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter 
14) See the Stonehenge 
15) Try travelling with a Contiki group 
16) Go watch a musical in London 

17) Manage to complete a 5km run (no walking) 
18) Swim a 400m in less than 8minutes 
19) Go on an early morning run (before 7am) 
20) Do a 30 day squat challenge (see Pinterest for more info) 
21) Do a 30 day abs challenge ( see Pinterest for more info) 
22) Go for a 30minute walk everyday for 30 days

23) Go white water rafting 
24) Have a picnic *Completed March 15th, 2014 
25) Fly a kite 
26) Go watch a movie in a Drive In movie theatre 
27) Go to a Mumford and Sons concert *Completed August 7th, 2014 (Mumford and Sons are no longer touring so seeing Ben Howard live replaced this challenge)
28) Attend another music festival *Completed August 7th, 2014 (Edmonton Folk Music Festival)  
29) Watch all the Harry Potter movies back to back in one day 
30) Dress up fancy for absolutely no reason 
31) Dance in the rain 
32) Take the time to watch the sunrise and the sunset in 1 day 
33) Ride in a hot air balloon
34) Swim under the stars 
35) Spend an afternoon watching clouds 
36) Take a random class for the fun of it
37) Read 5 books in French 
38) Go watch a play *Completed June 11th, 2014 (Annie Junior at Dr. Brosseau) 
39) Get a tattoo 
40) Go see a psychic 
41) Buy myself flowers on a bad day
42) Get a makeup tutorial from a makeup artist *December 11th, 2014
43) Complete a 30 day gratitude challenge ( acknowledge one thing a day I am grateful for) 
44) Treat my parents to a trip 
45) Memorize a poem that I love 
46) Complete the 100 Happy Days challenge ( see website for details: ) *Completed June 14th, 2014 
47) Mail someone a surprise package 
48) Go see a ballet 
49) Learn to do calligraphy 
50) Grow another herb garden (try not to kill it hehe) 
51) Buy a 'real' piece of furniture ( not IKEA) 
52) Host a wine and cheese party 
53) Go canoeing 
54) Go to an art exhibition 
55) Tryout 5 different food trucks *Completed August 9th, 2014  
56) Prepare a meal only using ingredients found and bought at the Farmers Market 
57) Buy a lottery ticket *Completed March 13th, 2014 ... I didn't win :( 
58) Go to a comic con or any awesome convention 
59) Watch 26 movies following the alphabet (Titles of movies must start with A, B, C...) 
A-Along Came a Spider
B- Bachelorette
C- Contracted
D- Drinking Buddies
E-  (The) East 
F- Four-Faced Liar
G- Girl Most Likely
H- Hick
I- It's Kind of a Funny Story
K- Killing Me Softly 
L- Liberal Arts 
M- Maniac
N- Nesting
O- Oxford Murders
P- Perfect Man
R- Ruby Sparks  
S- Save the Date
T- The Private Lives of Pippa Lee 
U-(The) Ugly Truth
W- World War Z
Y- Your Sister's Sister
Z- Zack and Miri Film a Porno
60) Go to a poetry reading *Completed September 26th, 2014 (Grant MacEwan Spoken Word Poetry) 
61) Expand my vocabulary by 100 words 

62) Build a blanket fort and sleep in it 

Good for my Soul
63) Buy a stranger a coffee  *Completed March 11, 2014  
64) No eating out for 30 days
65) Make a friend breakfast 
66) Meditate everyday for 30 days 
67) Buy flowers for a friend *Completed March 14, 2014 
68) Write and mail a letter to a friend 
69) Complete a 30 day tea challenge (only drink tea, water and milk) *Completed March 31, 2014
70) Get a pet (even if its a fishy hehe) 
71) Complete a cleanse 
72) Write in a journal everyday for a month
73) Leave an anonymous letter in a book at a library  *Completed March 11, 2014  
74) Go 30 days without watching television 
75) Go 30 days without using Facebook *Completed August 3, 2014 
76) Go 30 days without sleeping in (up before 8am) 
77) Complete a 30 day water challenge (track water consumption & 8 glasses per day) 
78) Dont complain about anything for 1 week
79) Go to bed at 10pm everyday for 30 days 
80) Go a week without pressing snooze 
81) Go 90 days without consuming any alcohol 
82) Go speak with a counsellor *Completed March 14, 2014 
83) Take vitamin D everyday for 30 days 
84) Turn off my cell phone for a full weekend 
85) Try a juice detox (3 Days) *Completed April 7th, 2014
86) Dont say (and try not to think) anything negative for a day 
87) Dont speak for 24 hours 

88) Flirt with someone I find attractive - Completed May 2nd, 2014 (Man Expo) 
89) Go on a blind date 
90) Complete a 30 day photo challenge (Take a picture of the same thing everyday. Ex: a tree) 
91) Actually finish a short story 
92) Finish my undergrad *December 10th, 2014 
93) Lose the weight I gained in University 
94) Go 30 days without using any heat on my hair 
95) Ask someone out 
96) Draw something everyday for 30 days 
97) Try and do 12 Pinterest crafts 
1) Sharpie Mug - April 25th, 2014

98) Paint my front door 
99) Floss everyday for one month 
100) Buy another original piece of art 
101) Make my bed everyday for one month 

Well thats it... I encourage anyone who wants to try this project out to do so. So far its been really fun. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions :)

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